Tea Articles

Black Tea


Black Tea Processing

For more information, please read article Tea Processing.

Health Benefits

Other than vitamins and minerals, tea also contains other important nutrients that play important roles in the body. These nutrients include amino acids, caffeine, calories, chlorophyll, essential oils, fibers, polyphenols and others.

  1. Act as antioxidants

    Many experts believe antioxidants can slow down aging and prevent heart disease, strokes and cancers. Black tea is an excellent source of antioxidants. Catechins are powerful antioxidants found in large quantities in black tea.
  2. Burn fat

    Black tea catechins burn fat and reduce carbohydrate utilization, which helps you to exercise longer.
  3. Prevent and treat cancers

    Black tea anti-cancer prowess extends beyond its antioxidant activities. It starves off cancer cells by restricting blood vessel growth. It wreaks havoc in abnormal cells, causing them to self-destruct. It blocks over-production of harmful enzymes that act as catalysts to cancer growth.
  4. Soothe stress

    Tea contains a special compound called theanine, which has been known to stimulate alpha brain waves, boost brain power, calm the body, and promote relaxed awareness.
  5. Rejuvenate body

    Drinking black tea properly helps prevent and treat hart diseases and strokes.
  6. Improve heart health

    As we grow older, our arteries naturally harden. Fats, cholesterols and blood platelets accumulate in the artery wall. When they thicken and clog up the entire artery, a heart attack or stroke occurs. Black tea inhibits atherosclerosis, the hardening and thickening of arteries, and lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  7. Reduce high blood pressure

    Drinking black tea properly will reduce high blood pressure. Regular tea drinkers are less likely to develop high blood pressure.
  8. Prevent and treat diabetes

    Black tea is anti-diabetic. Tea compounds EGCG and theaflavins have been found to regulate blood sugar levels in the following ways: (1) Increases insulin activities; (2) Promotes glucose metabolism; and (3) Blocks glucose absorption.
  9. Treat Inflammation

    Black tea's anti-inflammatory property makes it a perfect remedy for a variety of conditions.
  10. Protect lung from smoking

    Black tea protects you from lung cancer by reducing cellular damage caused by cigarette smoke.
  11. Protect liver from alcohol

    It's been a long tradition that Chinese people drink tea after drinking alcohol to prevent alcohol from damaging their livers and stomaches.
  12. Cure bad breath

    Tea can kill mouth viruses and reduces bad breath.
  13. Prevent tooth decay

    Tea can kill mouth viruses and prevent tooth decay and
  14. Build bone

    Drinking black tea helps preserve bone density and reduce osteoporosis risk. The longer you drink, the greater the benefits.
  15. Boost immunity

    Tea contains antigens, which are found also in some bacteria. They build up immune defense and prepare us for bacterial invasion.
  16. Rehydrate

    Drinking tea is healthier than pure water. Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, it also has many other health benefits.
  17. Prolong life

    Black tea contains nutrition and compounds that can prevent diseases and keep fitness. Tea drinkers are less likely to die from heart diseases and cancers.

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